Getting started with GPG

A 20 minute tour

Drafted by Gonçalo Valério / @dethos


  • This presentation only covers the basics
  • I will try to answer all questions
  • ... but without any guarantees

What will be covered:

  • A little bit of the background
  • How it works
  • Why and when you should use it
  • How to find other people's keys
  • Should you trust a given key?

  • Generate keys for everyone


  • "Pretty Good Privacy" was created in 1991 by Phil Zimmermann
  • He was sued at the time. Munitions export, they said.
  • Standard proposed to IETF around 1997
  • The free software foundation made a compliant program (GNU Privacy Guard)

How it works? (light version)

  • Bob generates a key-pair (public and private keys)
  • Bob publishes his public key
  • Alice can use bob's public key to encrypt messages to Bob
  • Alice uses her private key to sign the message so Bob can verify it was sent by her

In what situations it is useful?

  • Share sensitive material over a insecure network
  • Encrypt Files
  • Verify the source of a given message

Managing Keys and trust

  • GPG lets you manage the keys from several people
  • You can also sign them to avoid tampering
  • If key was signed by someone you already signed their key, probably you can trust them

A small note about the web of trust

We will not address this concept today, but I would like to make clear that in this model does have a central authority that can verify to you that a key is valid and belongs to someone. So people need check for themselves or trust who's already been signed by someone you know.

Lets give it a try

Download the required software

Platform Cli Gui
Linux gpg/gpg2

                                            $ sudo apt-get gpg2

                                            $ sudo apt-get kgpg
Mac OSX gpg2

                                            $ brew install gpg2
GPG Suite

Windows Lets forget about the CLI Gpg4win

Generating the keys

                        $ gpg --gen-key

                        $ gpg --list-keys

Lets add the following parameters:

  • 4096 bit keys
  • Set an expiration date (2 years for example).
  • Do not forget to provide a strong pass-phrase
  • In the end generate a revocation certificate:
                                        $ gpg --output revoke.asc --gen-revoke your_key_id

Share the keys

To send your key to the key server so others can retrieve it and sign it you must execute the following command:

                            $ gpg --keyserver --send-key your_key_id

Import and Export public keys

                                gpg --output key_file.gpg --export your_key_id

                                gpg --import key_file.gpg

Encrypt and Decrypt

                                gpg --output doc.gpg --encrypt --recipient dest_key doc

                                gpg --output doc --decrypt doc.gpg


For any reason if you lose you private key or forget the paraphrase. Use your revocation file:

                                gpg --import revoke.asc

                                gpg --send-key --keyserver key_id

Integrate with your email client

There are several plugins and apps that support GPG and can automate all this work.

